Release Notes for Version 7.0.3


The following list is a summary of all major additions, changes, and fixes part of version 7.0.3 of the Textual IRC Client.

Dynamic Buffer

The new dynamic buffer feature improves memory use by limiting how many messages are visible in the scrollback. While scrolled to the bottom, no more than two hundred messages will ever be visible in the scrollback. More messages (up to 30,000) can then be revealed by scrolling upward.

By default, Textual will keep a record of 15,000 messages per-channel that are accessible by scrolling upward.
This limit can be increased up to 30,000 or lowered to low as 1,000 in the Style section of Preferences.

Some custom styles will not work correctly with this feature without modification.

To view modifications that need to be made, see this knowledge base article for more information.




Last modified: September 19, 2017
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