The following list is a summary of all major additions, changes, and fixes part of version
7.0.10 of the Textual IRC Client.
- Added inline video support for public Nest camera clips.
- Added setqueryname
command which can be used to rename query windows.
- Added preference beneath “Only inline images and videos” in the Inline Media
section of Preferences that when disabled, disables embeddable video services such as
Vimeo, YouTube, and others.
- Added “Enable Off-the-Record Messaging” preference to the Off-the-Record Messaging
section of Preferences which can be used to disable Off-the-Record Messaging
- The timer command has been
rewritten from scratch. The new command supports repeating timers.
It also supports listing,
stopping, and restarting timers. Type /timer help
for more information.
- The lagcheck and
mylag commands now outputs time
in milliseconds.
- The correct syntax for many commands is now shown when a command is used incorrectly.
- Query windows are no longer renamed during nickname changes if one is already opened for
the new nickname.
- “Begin Session” no longer appears in log files unless at least one item is logged during
the session.
- Support for echo-message has been disabled
until message-tags is more
widely supported.
- The per-channel preferences labeled “Show inline media” and “Disable inline media” are now
saved internally as separate flags. When the global preference to show media inline with chat is
toggled, the per-channel preferences no longer behave as an inverse of the user's intent.
- Fixed main window segmented controller appearing clipped on the right side.
- Fixed app becoming unresponsive when displaying certain prompts together.